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Bob Dempster

Seattle World Cruiser Association

1007 N Washington Ave

Centralia, WA 98531-4831


9401-9947 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA, 98108
United States

August 17th

August 17th

Daily Flight Information:

The World Flight is ready to continue but must wait in Reykjavik for favorable weather for the flight to Greenland.

Locatelli and crew in their Dornier-Wal.

Italian World Flyer Arrives in Reykjavik

Daily Report

by Lt. L. P. Arnold, "Chicago", Mechanic

In preparation for the long jump more gasoline was put aboard both planes this morning. The ships today were moving to positions along the new route and by morning al should be in readiness -- that is all but the weather & we can hope for that.

About noon Locatelli [Italian World Flight aviator] arrived in a keen looking flying boat -- monoplane type with twin motors [Dornier-Wahl]

Most of the day was spent pouring over maps, weather reports, and laying plans -- and all turned in for a few hours sleep preparatory to arising at one a.m.

Daily Report

by Lt. L. H. Smith, Commander

The Italian aviator Locatelli arrived today in a Dornier Wahl seaplane. They made no advance arrangements for their flight across the Atlantic but were relying supplies left over by the Americans. According to an agreement between officials in Washington, D.C. and in Italy, the Italian plane was to remain one flight behind the American planes. However, it was realized that it would be a great help for Locatelli if he were allowed to accompany us. Authority for this was requested today from the Chief of Air Service [Gen. Patrick].